New Jersey Professional License Defense For Physical Therapists in New Jersey
The State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners is the body that licenses, and in cases of professional misconduct, disciplines Physical Therapists in New Jersey.
If you’ve been notified of a patient complaint or other investigation into your professional practices, you should know that you have a right to be represented in your dealings with the Board.
In fact, people who value their careers and livelihoods must strongly consider that adverse findings by the Board can significantly reduce their earning potential, or end their ability to practice as a physical therapist in New Jersey entirely.
Once you learn that there’s a risk of disciplinary action against you, find an attorney who understands professional license defense.
The rules and regulations, as well as standards of evidence, are different in administrative processes than they are in courtrooms, and an inexperienced attorney can cause you more problems than they solve.
Representing New Jersey Physical Therapists in NJ Facing Misconduct Allegations
My name is Richard West, and I’m a criminal defense attorney who spent part of my career with the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs.
I’m well versed in how the State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners conducts investigations, evaluates testimony and evidence, and renders its decisions.
I can help you respond appropriately to requests for written information, and make sure you’re fully prepared for any interviews or hearings that the Board convenes in your matter.
Not every attorney understands how licensing boards operate, which is why you need an experienced professional license defense attorney to protect your right to practice as a physical therapist in New Jersey.
Call 973-377-0007 for a free consultation with an experienced New Jersey Physical Therapist License Defense attorney today.